10 Tips on How to Design Your Home for Every Budget

10 Tips on How to Design Your Home for Every Budget - Felagro.com

Every single one of us wants to have a beautiful home that looks and feels like home, right? Whether it’s a cozy condo or a luxurious mansion, we all want to live in a space that reflects who we are and our sense of style, while also providing the optimal living conditions. But with the saying, “You can’t have your cake and eat it too,” it can be challenging to find the balance between your aspiration for a beautiful home and the practical aspects of your budget.

10 Tips on How to Design Your Home

Still, there are ways to make your home more affordable without sacrificing its design or the overall aesthetic quality of your space. In this article, we’ll share some of our best home design tips with you to help you create a beautiful space that you can both enjoy and afford.

10 Tips on How to Design Your Home for Every Budget - Felagro.com

1. Go with a color palette that fits your style

Understanding the importance of color in the design of your home is key when it comes to creating a space that you love. But how do you choose the perfect color palette for your home without accidentally overlooking colors that are too expensive or too boring for your taste? Follow these steps to choose a color for your home that will satisfy your aesthetic needs and also fit your budget:

  • First and foremost, make sure that the colors that you choose blend well with one another. Generally, the more “pigmented” the colors are, the more expensive they are, so it’s important to match the shades that you choose to the other colors in your home palette.
  • Next, choose the right shades for your room. While white is a classic choice, it’s also the most underrepresented color in home decorating today. Whether your space lends itself to more sophisticated, modern aesthetics or more organic, eclectic looks, go with a color that suits your style.
  • Don’t forget to consider the overall aesthetic of your home when choosing a color palette. If you’re taking on a renovation project, there are almost always cheaper options to choose from than custom paint or wallpaper.
  • (Optional) If you want to make your home even more unique and stylish, you can always choose to have a colour accent wall instead of an entire wall painted. Framed art, decorative pillows, and natural art materials are also creative ways to use a smaller color space without bringing in an entirely different color palette altogether.

2. Buy quality materials

Depending on your taste and the functionality of your home, you can go with almost any type of material to create your home design. But when it comes to purchasing materials for your home, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. First, make sure that you’re getting a high-quality product. Second, be mindful of the price per square foot.

  • The difference between a high-quality material and a low-quality one is often defined by the amount of time and skill that went into making it. The more time and effort that goes into a product, the more expensive it is going to be.

Lastly, remember that the price per square foot that you’re paying for your materials doesn’t only represent the quality of the product, it also represents the size of the material.

  • As a general rule of thumb, you can usually get decent quality products for about $1 to $2 per square foot, depending on the brand and type of product that you choose.

3. Keep your design on the minimal side

Now that you’ve chosen the perfect colors for your home, it’s time to add some furniture and accessories that will complete your decor. But before you do, remember these key points:

  • Don’t overthink your design. When it comes to your home design, less is more. Instead of overthinking your decor and furniture options, prioritize your budget and stick to the following minimalist design tips:
  • Keep furniture and other accessories to a minimum. Stick to the classics when it comes to furniture and lighting, rather than opting for patterns, prints, and other decorative elements.
  • Minimalist design is all about stripping things back to the essentials. So, as you’re designing your home, think of ways to create a feeling of lightness and openness, rather than filling it with decorations.
  • Love and respect the space that you’ve got. Not all homes can accommodate a built-in bathtub, and if you’re lucky enough to have one, then make the most of it.

10 Tips on How to Design Your Home for Every Budget - Felagro.com

4. Invest in lighting

As important as choosing the perfect colors, materials, and furniture for your home is, the quality of your lighting is just as important. The right lighting can transform any space, and it doesn’t require a lot of effort or expense.

  • Pointed, recessed, or uplighting spotlights can all do the trick, along with hanging fixtures and chandeliers, of course.
  • When it comes to the size of your light fixtures, make sure that they cast light in all the right places. Avoid overlighting your space, as this will only highlight any shadow or dark areas that may be lurking in your home design.

5. Choose a custom-built kitchen

Although the kitchen is often overlooked when it comes to home design and decor, it’s an important space to consider.

If you’re lucky enough to have the budget for it, then it’s worth splashing out on a custom kitchen that you can truly love.

But if you’re on a budget, don’t fret. There are still ways to create a gorgeous kitchen that you can both enjoy and afford.

  • First, don’t skimp on countertop materials, appliances, and fixtures. Spend a little more to get better quality products.
  • Consider putting in a more generous-sized kitchen than you need, so that you have room to grow your kitchen and add more cabinets, shelves and other storage elements in the future.

6. Opt for a built-in bathtub instead of a separate one

Although it would be ideal to have a separate bathroom for your bathtub, that isn’t always an option for everyone.

If you’re lucky enough to have a small bathroom without a lot of space to spare, then an indoor and outdoor tub is an ideal design solution.

The indoor version of this type of bathtub is easier to install, maintain and clean than an outdoor version, and it doesn’t require ventilating it like an outdoor one.

7. Create a welcoming home through furniture and accessories

As much as we love new furniture and accessories, they shouldn’t be the only things that make your home more beautiful.

Yes, you should definitely have new furniture, but don’t forget to also incorporate new accessories like throw pillows, decorative candle holders and vases, wall art, lanterns and more.

8. Choose an outdoor space that fits your lifestyle seamlessly

Finally, if you have the budget and space, don’t forget to create a beautiful outdoor space that seamlessly blends in with your home. Whether you choose to build an outdoor kitchen or patio or add on an outdoor bathroom, this is an ideal way to create a beautiful outdoor space that fits seamlessly with your home design.

10 Tips on How to Design Your Home for Every Budget - Felagro.com

9. Use natural materials and textures as often as possible

As much as we love new furniture and accessories, they shouldn’t be the only things that make your home more beautiful.

Yes, you should definitely have new furniture, but don’t forget to also incorporate new accessories like throw pillows, decorative candle holders and vases, wall art, lanterns and more.

10. Final word

In the end, this is your home and you get to decide how you want it to look. That said, there are some basic design principles that will guide you in making your home beautiful on a budget.

First, you need to make sure that the colors that you choose for your home blend well with one another.

Next, you need to choose the right shades for your room. While white is a classic choice, it’s also the most underrepresented color in home decorating today.

Don’t forget to consider the overall aesthetic of your home when choosing a color.

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